Loic folloroux
Loic folloroux

loic folloroux

The rebellion we had from 2002-2011 was mainly comprised of northern Ivorians, but also Burkinabe and Malian mercenaries, and this is what we are talking against. IVC have expatriates/immigrants from all Africa, especially from west africa, but we don't complain about Senegalese, Guineans, Liberians, Ghanaians, Nigerians, Beninese, Togolese, and Nigeriens because they don't get involved in the manipulation of our politicians. Our brothers/neighbors are always welcome as long as they don't interfere in our politics and don't accept to be used by politicians like Ouattara to hurt others. Many of our northern brothers started to open their eyes and see that they were blatantly manipulated for this little group to profit entirely. Also, Ouattara making this fallacious statement "They don't want me to be president because I am muslim and from the north" helped in strengthening their obsession with him. The north made a fixation on Ouattara being their leader because at the time back in the 1990s, he was CIV's number 2 after Boigny, he had power and the support of France, and he is the alleged descendant of Sekou Ouattara, so they did not care if he was eligible or not, which is sad because at this time there were plenty of intellectuals from their regions who could have been excellent candidates for the presidency.The elite from this region (la famille Gbon Peloforo, la famille de Ouattara et Co.) have been brainwashing the mass over there, and used foreigners from Mali and Burkina to reach their goals. Also they have a superiority complex vis a vis of other groups, especially those who are not muslim, which is deep rooted since the colonization period (this is why they call southerners boussoumani (bushmen). Boigny had his issues with the southern Akan, the Agni, the Baoule from Bouake, and le grand Ouest. From the formation of the PDCI in the 1940s until after the independence, they were Boigny's main allies, not the Akan.


They used Ivoirite as an alibi to divide the country, but deep down they were planing to take power after Boigny's death because they saw it as their full right. Everything happening now is due to "la Charte du Nord", written by a small group of Malinke and Senoufo Elite, fantasizing on taking power for years upon the independence. The rebels raided the house we had there and stole everything, and after, had the audacity to squat there for i don't know how long. Alain Borer additionally received the Édouard Glissant Prize in 2005, awarded by the University of Paris VIII for all of his achievements.Humm Bouake!!!! My maternal grandparents are from Bouake.

loic folloroux

Alain Borer was made a Knight (1985), then Officer (1993) of Arts and Letters in the French Legion of Honour, and is President of the Printemps des Poètes association.


In 2010, Borer was awarded the 10th Pierre Mac Orlan Prize for Le Ciel & la carte, carnet de voyage dans les mers du Sud à bord de La Boudeuse (Seuil), and the Maurice Genevoix Prize from the Académie Française in 2011. He received the Kessel Prize for his novel Koba (Seuil, 2002), as well as the 70th Prix Apollinaire for his play Icare & I don't (Seuil). He has been Professor of Art at L'École supérieure des beaux-arts de Tours since 1979 and Visiting Professor of French Literature at the University of Southern California since 2005. Alain Borer, is a French poet, art critic, essayist, novelist, playwright, writer-traveler, signatory of the Littérature-monde (world literature) manifesto, and eminent authority on the works of Arthur Rimbaud.

Loic folloroux